Education and Professionals

GSACA is a statewide membership organization representing the after school profession.  We are dedicated to improving the quality of out-of-school time in Georgia. GSACA is the only statewide, full-service resource for school-age programs striving to produce healthy, academically successful, productive young people.

“The school age and youth field is changing……..there is a great deal of momentum right now in the after-school field, but the dollars still pale in comparison to other public youth-serving systems so it's extremely important for GSACA and other school age and youth providers to be abreast of and even ahead of the curve in understanding current trends in the field, implementing best practice policy and accountability measures so that we can ensure the best outcomes for our children and youth.”

Laurie Iscaro, Executive Director
Georgia School Age Care Association


Our efforts to improve the quality of Georgia’s programs involve professional development (community and academic training), technical and financial assistance, providing opportunities for professional networking, promulgation of best-practice research in the field of school age and youth care, and policy development and advocacy.

Another way GSACA provides technical assistance to professionals and communities is by providing them information on how to go about starting a school age program.  Though many school age programs are not required to be licensed, it is critically important that you consider the rules and regulations carefully to ensure that you can comply with the state requirements before you get too far along in your program planning.



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