GBT needs your help to keep Georgia moving!

We are a not for profit organization dedicated to improving transportation throughout our state. We promote cost-effective solutions to improve mobility on land, air, and sea.

Georgia is the 3rd fastest growing and the 9th most populous state in the union. Our population is rapidly outstripping our transportation infrastructure. We need your support to fund new transportation improvements, move our badly needed projects forward, and get our families out of gridlock.

We are faced with a transportation funding crisis. Our economic future is in jeopardy. Whether the issue is an overcrowded freeway in metro Atlanta or lack of access to a factory site in rural Georgia, our problems share a common theme: lack of investment!

GBT is your voice and your advocate for increased, dedicated and sustainable funding for every mode of transportation in every part of Georgia.

Please Join Now!

Benefits of Membership in GBT

Contact Us
By mail at:
Mike Kenn, President - G4BT

P.O. Box 190758
Atlanta, GA 31119

By phone at:
Mike Kenn or Courtney Townsend 404-846-2880

By email at:

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