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HB 0411 - Ad Valorem Taxes - No Fees on Tax Bills
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Tracking Level: Oppose
Sponsor: Brett Harrell
Last Action: 2/25/2019 - House Second Readers
House Committee: Ways and Means
Assigned To:
Kathleen BowenNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

This bill prohibits local governments from placing on the property tax bill any other fee or charge, such as solid waste/trash fees and stormwater fees. Instead, billing for such other fees would have to be separate (although they could be included in the same mailing as the property tax bill). Any partial payments by a taxpayer would be required to be first applied to property tax liability, and not pro-rated with other fees or assessments due. Preservation of local control on this issue is an ACCG Priority.

Click here for a list of counties that have reported to ACCG that they collect fees on their property tax bill. More information on the topic is included in ACCG's 2019 Legislative Toolkit, found here.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text

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