Amend Chapter 4 of Title 50. Georgia Government Accountability Act. Creates the Legislative Sunset Advisory Committee and authorizes the committee to review and evaluate state agencies� productivity, efficiency, and responsiveness. This law also provides for the automatic abolition of certain state agencies.
The following agencies and their boards or advisory boards (the AOC and agencies that the AOC has contact with are listed) shall be reviewed by 07/01/2010: Georgia Child Support Commission; by 07/01/2011: Department of Juvenile Justice, Georgia Magistrate Courts Training Council, Georgia Municipal Courts Training Council, Georgia Superior Court Clerks Cooperative Authority, Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles, Georgia Public Defenders Standards Council, Council of Juvenile Court Judges, Georgia Courts Automation Commission, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Prosecuting Attorneys� Council, Administrative Office of the Courts, Judicial Qualifications Commission; by 07/01/2014: Georgia Judicial Retirement System; by 07/01/2015: Georgia Commission on Dispute Resolution. Agency review shall be repeated every seven years following the agency�s initial review date.
An agency up for review by the committee will be abolished on June 30 following the date of review unless the legislature continues the agency. An agency will not be abolished unless the General Assembly finds that the state laws that the agency is responsible for implementing or enforcing have been repealed, revised, or reassigned to another remaining agency and that adequate provision has been made for other obligations.
Any agency established by constitutional provision is not subject to automatic abolishment. The committee will review the constitutionally established agency and report to the General Assembly any recommended amendments needed for the reorganizing or abolishing of such an agency.
No later than Jan. 1 of the year preceding the year in which an agency is reviewed, the agency will provide the committee with a report outlining the agency�s efficiency and productivity and the extent to which the agency utilizes state resources to best meet the needs of the public. The report guidelines are in the bill. The committee will then produce a report on the agency and make recommendations on the abolition, continuation, or reorganization of the agency and on the need for continuation of the functions of the agency.