Staff Analysis of the Legislation
Amend Part 6 of Article 1 of Chapter 22 of Title 15. In any case or class of cases involving alleged delinquent, unruly or deprived children, the judge shall determine whether such case shall be conducted by the judge or by the associate juvenile court judge. It is the policy of Georgia that children in the custody of DFACS would have stable placements. Not less than five days in advance of any placement change, the division shall notify the court, a child who is 14 or older, the child�s parents, guardian, or other custodian, and any attorney of record of such change in location. If the child�s health and welfare is in danger, only the court and any attorney of record shall be notified and within 24 hours of the change. A child who is 14 or older, the child�s parents, guardians, or other custodian, and any attorney may request a hearing with regard to the child�s case plan and permanency plan in order for the court to consider the change in the location of the child and any changes to the case plan or permanency plan.