Staff Analysis of the Legislation
Amend Chapter 5 of Title 30 and 31-8-81. Relating to protection of disabled adults and elder persons. Revises the term �exploitation� to mean an unjust or improper use of another person or the person�s property through undue influence, coercion, harassment, duress, deception, false representation, false pretense, or other similar means. Title 31 is amended by adding a new section that requires that performance and outcome, pricing and other requested data shall be reported to the Department of Community Health on a regular basis for selected medical conditions, services, and programs, surgeries and procedures in hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, nursing and private care homes, pharmacies and rehabilitation centers in Georgia. The Department shall establish a website to provide consumers on the cost and quality comparison information on healthcare provided at hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers and other facilities plus similar data for pharmacies in Georgia.