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HB 0228 - Marriage; change minimum age from 16 to 17 and require any person who is 17 to have been emancipated

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Andrew Welch
Last Action: 7/1/2019 - Effective Date
House Committee: Juvenile Justice
Senate Committee: Judiciary
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

HB 228 amends Chapter 3 of Title 19 of the O.C.G.A to raise the minimum age for marriage from 16 to 17 and require anyone seeking to marry at 17 to provide proof of emancipation. Minors who marry at 17 would also be prohibited from marrying anyone over 4 years older than themselves Minors seeking emancipation for the purposes of marriage must include in the petition: information regarding the intended spouse, a statement outlying the background of the relationship and the reasons the minor desires to marry, and any criminal records or protective orders issued for either party. must provide. HB 228 provides for various reasons for which a court may deny the petition of emancipation. Finally, the bill provides counseling requirements for those seeking marriage at 17 and states that underage marriages in another state would not be recognized in the state of Georgia for legal purposes..

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