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HB 2026 - Public resources; influencing elections; penalties

Tracking Level: Oppose
Sponsor: John Kavanagh (R)
Last Action: 4/2/2019 - Senate APPROP Committee action: do pass amended/strike-everything, voting: (8-1-0-0)
House Committee: Rules
Senate Committee: Appropriations

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

HB2026- public resources; influencing elections; penalties

This bill allows a resident of a jurisdiction that has violated statutory language relating to influence of public elections to initiate a suit in the country superior court.

Stipulates that for municipalities and counties, the civil penalties must be paid as follows:

1.       To the Office of the AG, to defray costs of enforcement, if the civil penalty is filed by the AG.

2.       To the Office of the County Treasurer, for deposit in the county general fund, if the civil penalty is filed by the county attorney.

3.       To the resident, if the civil penalty is filed by a resident of the jurisdiction in violation.

Specifies that for school districts in violation of the statutory language relating to influence of elections, all penalties for a suit initiated by a resident of the jurisdiction in violation must be paid to the resident.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text / PDF

Public resources; influencing elections; penalties


Public resources; influencing elections; penalties

Introduction Date:

Tuesday, February 5, 2019