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HB 0201 - Safety belts; new school buses equipped; provide

Tracking Level: Watch
Sponsor: Geisinger,Harry 48th
Last Action: 1/30/2009 - House Second Readers
House Committee: Judy
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation


Requires that all new school buses purchased or leased on or after July 1, 2009 be equipped with passenger safety belts.  Failure to use safety belts may be evidence of causation, negligence, and contributory negligence.


  • Requires that all new school buses purchased or leased on or after July 1, 2009 be equipped with safety belts for all passengers.
  • On and after July 1, 2009, each child over four years of age being transported on a school bus equipped with safety belts for passengers shall be properly restrained by a safety belt.
  • Violation of this law may be considered evidence of negligence or contributory negligence.


  • Student safety is of paramount concern of school districts.
  • Studies have shown that passengers on school buses are safer than those in automobiles.
  • Adds to the cost of school buses.
  • Difficult to monitor and enforce use of belts by students.
  • Younger students may have difficulty in using belts.
  • Increased litigation can result.


July 1, 2009

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