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HB 0016 - Education; no high school which receives funding from Quality Basic Education Act shall participate in or sponsor interscholastic sports events unless students enrolled in magnet schools can participate under certain conditions; provide

Tracking Level: Hot
Sponsor: Prince, Brian 127th
Last Action: 4/2/2015 - House Withdrawn, Recommitted
House Committee: Ed
Assigned To:
Local Board GovernanceNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  LC 33 5676  LC 33 6000S   Prohibits high schools that receive QBE funds from participation in athletic associations unless the association allows students enrolled in magnet schools to try for and participate on athletic teams of their resident school, if the magnet school does not field a team in that sport.

Such students shall be subject to the same standards and requirements applicable to students enrolled in the public high school, and may not participated on a magnet school team and resident school team in the same school year.

Each local school system has the discretion as to whether or not students in magnet schools are permitted to try for and participate on athletic teams of their resident school.

EFFECTIVE DATE:  Upon approval by the General Assembly and Governor.


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