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HB 0313 - Public employees; limited paid leave for purpose of promoting education; authorize

Tracking Level: Passed
Sponsor: Dickey, Robert 140th (R)
Last Action: 7/1/2015 - Effective Date
State Code Titles: 45
House Committee: Ed
Senate Committee: ED&Y
Assigned To:
PersonnelNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  LC 40 0788 LC 33 6190S  

Authorizes limited paid leave for certain state public employees for the purpose of promoting education.


  • Full-time state employees shall be entitled to apply for up to eight hours of paid leave per calendar year for the purpose of promoting education in Georgia.
  • State administrative rules shall require that paid leave only be authorized for activities directly related to student achievement and academic support and shall prohibit the use of such leave for political purposes or agendas.

POINTS TO CONSIDER: Does not apply to employees of local school districts.


July 1, 2015 


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