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SB 0401 - Individual Graduation Plans; guidance in career oriented aptitudes and career interests; provide

Tracking Level: Passed
Sponsor: Lindsey Tippins
Last Action: 5/8/2018 - Act 449
Senate Committee: Education and Youth
House Committee: Education

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

GSBA-CWO Header 

SUMMARY: LC 33 7248

Would require that students in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades be provided with counseling, career awareness, and career interest inventories to assist them in evaluating their academic skills and career oriented aptitudes. Would require that by the second semester of eighth grade, students will have developed an individual graduation plan based on their academic skills and career oriented aptitudes. Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year counseling for high school students will also include career oriented aptitudes.  



July 1, 2018, if passed 

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text