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SB 0404 - Development Impact Fees; education; provide

Tracking Level: Watch
Sponsor: Greg Dolezal
Last Action: 3/12/2020 - Senate Tabled
Senate Committee: Education and Youth
Assigned To:
Impact FeesNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

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LC 47 0301

"Georgia Development Impact Fee Act". 

Would allow each local board of education that is in a high growth school system to propose a resolution to impose educational development impact fees. A high growth school system would be any school system that has experienced an increase in the number of students enrolled by 15% or more over the preceding five year period or experienced an increase in the number of students by 10% in the preceding four year period and is projected to have an increase of enrolled students in the following year that would increase that number to 15% by the end of that year. 

This is subject to a voter approval of a state constitutional amendment. See Also SR 776


January 1, 2021, if constitutional amendment is approved.  

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