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HB 0070 - Special needs students; waiver of one of the scholarship requirements under certain conditions; provide

Tracking Level: Hot
Sponsor: Golick, Rich 40th
Last Action: 7/1/2013 - House - Effective Date
House Committee: Ed
Senate Committee: ED&Y
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

            This bill would amend Article 33 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the O.C.G.A. to allow the SBOE to require a LBOE to expedite the development of an IEP and to waive the prior year attendance requirement on a case by case basis at the request of a parent. The SBOE may also require that the expedited plan be completed prior to the beginning of the school year. An annual report regarding the number of waivers allowed would be required by December 31 of each year through 2015.

            The bill would also set specific dates for SDOE payments to parents of scholarship students as spelled out in the bill. The payments would be made quarterly and would have to be as equal as possible, unless the supplemental budget should require adjustments. These payments would be subject to audit, and failure to make the payments as prescribed in the law would have to be published as audit exceptions on the website.

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