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HB 0157 - Retirement; full-time teacher; full-time employment and benefits; provide

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Coleman,Brooks 97th
Last Action: 2/11/2008 - Senate Read and Referred
House Committee: Ret
Senate Committee: RET

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 157


Chair's Name: Ben Bridges


Committee: Retirement


House Sponsor: Brooks Coleman

Chairman Bridges’ opinion of the legislation:

HB 157 allows members of the Teacher Retirement System who have been retired on a normal service retirement for at least 12 calendar months to return to work as a full-time teacher, principal, or superintendent while continuing to receive retirement benefits. A normal service retirement means retirement at or after the age of 60 with at least ten years of creditable service or retirement with 30 years of creditable service without regard to age.


This bill would help Georgia deal with the existing teacher shortage.  The employing school system will determine the salary paid to the teacher as well as pay the employee and employer contributions to the retirement system. This results in no additional cost to TRS and no cost to the State. Also, nothing in this bill would prevent a retiring educator from immediately returning to service on a part-time basis. 

This committee substitute comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule.

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