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HB 0193 - Sales and use tax; jet fuel; additional exemption

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Burkhalter,Mark 50th
Last Action: 5/30/2007 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: W&M
Senate Committee: FIN

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


House Bill 193


Chair's Name: Larry O�Neal


Committee: Ways & Means


House Sponsor: Mark Burkhalter


HB 193 extends the existing sales tax exemption for sales or use of jet fuel to or by qualifying airlines.  Currently, qualified airlines operating in Georgia pay the first $15 million in state sales tax plus applicable local sales taxes on purchases or use of jet fuel.  Thereafter, the purchase or use of jet fuel is exempt from state and local sales tax except for local option sales taxes for educational purposes which become effective before July 1, 2005.  This exemption is currently set to expire on July 1, 2007.   HB 193 would extend this exemption to July 1, 2009.

The committee substitute received a Do Pass recommendation from the Ways & Means Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Structured Rule. 

Chairman O�Neal�s opinion of this legislation:



HB 193 extends the existing sales tax exemption for sales or use of jet fuel to or by qualifying airlines above the first $15 million in purchases or use of jet fuel.  This exemption is currently set to expire on July 1, 2007.   HB 193 would extend this exemption to July 1, 2009.



To provide Delta with sales tax relief by placing a $15 million cap on jet fuel sales taxes.



  • Reduces the Tax Burden on our Citizens:

This bill will reduce the fuel tax burden on one of Georgia�s largest employers.

Senate Changes:

The Senate replaced the tax cap of $15 million/year to a formula method of the first 1.80% of 4% sales tax which results in the equivalent of the existing cap. Because this change does not alter the net effect of the bill or existing law, Representative Burkhalter will likely move to agree, though the bill was structured.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text