House Bill 254
Chair�s Name: Tom Rice
Committee: Motor Vehicles
House Sponsor: Jay Roberts
HB 254 adds the follow offender to those who may be issued a limited driving permit: the person 18 or over whose license was suspended for exceeding the speed limit by 24 MPH but less than 34 MPH.
This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Motor Vehicles Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule. An amendment will be offered on the floor to allow the limited permits to be issued at the discretion of the judge rather than as a result of an administrative procedure.
Chairman Rice�s opinion of this legislation:
The problem with current law is that some 18 � 21 year olds are married and raising families and the license suspension could cost them their jobs. This might result in taxpayers having to support them.
- Strengthens the Traditional Family Structure
Would allow a person to keep their job and in turn continue to provide for their family.
- Reduces the Tax Burden on our Citizens:
Yes. If jobs are lost the state may have to support these families.
- Increases Personal Responsibility:
Yes. By allowing for a limited permit, they can continue to support their families by working.