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SB 0385 - Limousine Carriers; provide for licensing to sell alcoholic beverages; annual applications/fees; sticker for each vehicle authorized

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Balfour,Don 9th
Last Action: 5/12/2008 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: RI&Util
House Committee: RegI

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SB 385

Chairman: Roger Williams

Committee: Regulated Industries

House Sponsor: Earl Ehrhart

Senate Sponsor: Don Balfour

Chairman Williams’s Opinion of this Legislation:

This legislation allows limousine carriers to sell alcohol for consumption in their limousines upon obtaining an annual permit and stickers for each vehicle from the commissioner of the Department of Revenue. In order to do this a limousine carrier will have to pay an annual permit fee of $50.00 as well as a fee of $15 for each vehicle in his fleet.

This bill allows limousine carriers to purchase alcohol only from retailers, but not from wholesalers. It also allows limousine carriers to purchase and resell alcohol only in the areas where the sale of alcohol is allowed. However, if there are minors in the limousine no alcohol will be allowed.

This bill is coming to the House Floor under the Structured Rule.

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