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HB 0127 - Prescription drugs; generic; change provisions

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Byrd,Charlice 20th
Last Action: 3/27/2008 - Senate Committee Favorably Reported
House Committee: H&HS
Senate Committee: H&HS

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


House Bill 127


Chair's Name: Sharon Cooper


Committee: Health & Human Services


House Sponsor: Charlice Byrd

HB 127 prevents a pharmacist from interchanging an anti-epileptic drug without the prior notification and written consent of the prescribing physician. However, if the drug prescribed is a generic drug, the pharmacist may substitute another generic as long as both are AB rated by the FDA.

The bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Health & Human Services Committee and comes to the House Floor as a Rules Committee Substitute under the Modified Structured Rule. 

Chairman Cooper�s opinion of the original legislation:


Anti-Epileptic medication would be required to be filled for what the doctor has prescribed unless the pharmacist has the written consent of both the patient and the physician to be allowed to prescribe the generic form.



Epilepsy afflicts thousands of people through out Georgia and due to the sensitivity of this disorder, even a slight change in the chemical levels in a patient�s system can have a devastating effect, with repercussions that last for years.  Generic medicines by FDA Regulations can fluctuate up to 15.6 % in content of the active ingredient, which means that a patient may receive 7% too much medication or 7% too little, which can have drastic effect when dealing with a disorder such as Epilepsy.


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