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HB 1040 - Juvenile courts; deprived child; permanent guardian; grant jurisdiction

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Lindsey,Edward 54th
Last Action: 5/14/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: Judy
Senate Committee: JUDY

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 1040


Chair's Name: Wendell Willard


Committee: Judiciary Civil


House Sponsor: Ed Lindsey

Chairman Willard’s opinion of this legislation:

HB 1040 provides a solution to the guardianship of a child when child deprivation occurs, short of termination of parental rights. The bill vests juvenile courts with jurisdiction to appoint a permanent guardian for a child whose custody is the subject of controversy due to an adjudication that the child is a deprived child.  The bill allows the juvenile court to enter an order of support against the child’s parent(s), and outlines notice and other procedures for the proceedings which propose to appoint a permanent guardian. HB 1040 also allows for parental visitation.  The Office of Child Advocate and DFACS support the bill.

This Legislation:

        Reduces the Tax Burden, Reduces Government, Strengthens Families, and Increases Personal Responsibility by allowing a relative or other responsible adult, rather than the government, serve as the guardian for a deprived child.

This committee substitute comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule.


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