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HB 0163 - Municipality per Diem Amendments

Tracking Level: Work
Sponsor: Craig Hall
Last Action: 3/17/2017 - Governor Signed in Lieutenant Governor's office for filing
House Committee:
Senate Committee: Government Operations and Political Subdivisions
Assigned To:
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

ULCT has some recommendations to improve HB 163. I’ve included UAC on this email for their consideration. Let us know what you think.

First, we recommend adding language that says a political subdivision could adopt their own per diem standards not exceeding the standards in 11-55-101. You can see a parallel in the procurement section of the code below. A political subdivision would default to the state standards or create their own per diem by ordinance.

Second, our folks request a clarification that the new law would not replace the city’s authority to set the compensation of its elected and appointed officials. 10-3-818

First that this does not require a city to pay a per diem but only caps the amount that it can pay and second that this does not replace the city's authority to set the compensation of its council members, mayors and other elected and appointed officials under 10-3-818. Language could say something to effect that “nothing in this section overrides the authority set compensation per 10-3-818.” I don’t know the equivalent statute for compensation for county officials.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text