HB 0060 |
Support | Liquor - Distiller May Sell Directly to Public |
Ron Stephens |
1/24/2017 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This legislation authorizes licensed distillers to obtain a retail package liquor store license and sale up to 10 percent of the total liquor it produces each year, or 1,000 barrels, whichever is greater, directly to the public from the distillery. Excise taxes will be collected and paid by the distiller. It also authorizes distilleries to have a food service establishment on the premises. |
HB 0158 |
Neutral | Gambling - Georgia Destination Resort Act |
Ron Stephens |
1/31/2017 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This legislation, mirroring SB 79, legalizes gambling in Georgia. Two casino licenses will be granted. One license will be granted within a county having a population of at least 900,000, will be at least a $2 billion investment, located in a convention district and have a hotel with at least 1,000 rooms. The other license will be granted within a county with at least 450,000 people, be at least a $450 million investment, and located near a convention district. These casinos can be open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and will pay a 20-percent tax on gross receipts (70 percent of proceeds go to the HOPE Scholarship and 30 percent will go to a needs-based college scholarship. |
HB 0175 |
Support | Alcohol - Locals May Reduce Distance Between Restaurant Sales and Schools/Housing Authorities |
Clay Cox |
2/1/2017 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This legislation allows counties and cities, via a resolution or ordinance, to reduce the state-mandated distance between a restaurant that serves wine and beer and a school or housing authority property. |
HB 0419 |
Support | Fireworks - Counties May Limit Hours of Use |
Deborah Silcox |
7/1/2018 |
Effective Date |
Regulated Industries |
Public Safety |
- |
| This legislation allows cities and counties to regulate the hours of firework usage within their communities on all but seven days of the year via the adoption of a noise ordinance, so long as said ordinance is general and applicable to all manner of sounds and noises. Before adopting the ordinance, counties must post notice in the legal organ or on their Web site stating the date, time and place of the meeting and informing the public that the ordinance will affect the use of fireworks. Statewide use remains allowed from 10:00 a.m to 11:59 p.m. on January 1, December 31, July 3 and July 4, the Saturday and Sunday preceding Memorial Day, Labor Day, and from 12:00 midnight to 1:00 a.m. on January 1 annually. On the downside, for counties not adopting an ordinance, fireworks usage extends from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. every day of the year. Previously, usage was allowed from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. |
HB 0485 |
Inactive | Distilled Spirits: Allow Manufacture in Dry Counties |
Mike Glanton |
5/9/2017 |
Effective Date |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This bill allows counties to authorize the manufacture and distribution of distiled spirits within their jurisdiction via the adoption of an ordinance or resolution. Counties may determine the location of the distillery. Under current law distilleries are subject to the same laws governing hard liquor package sales which require the county adopt a resolution, a petition be signed by 35% of all registered voters, and adoption of a public referendum. |
HB 0510 |
Neutral | Alcohol - Alter Distance between Sales and Churches/Schools
Calvin Smyre |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation removes measuring requirements between establishments that sell alcohol and churches and schools in counties with a population between 175,000 and 195,000 in the 1970 census or any future census. Following the 2010 census, Muscogee, Hall and Forsyth counties fall into this population range. |
HB 0579 |
Oppose | Local government; cannot ban or regulate short-term and vacation rentals; provide |
Matt Dollar |
3/15/2017 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This preemptive legislation prohibits local governments from banning short term and vacation rentals, then prohibits local governments from regulating said rentals outside of what the bill authorizes. |
HB 0736 |
Neutral | Allow Issuance of Permits for Pop-up Restaurant Services in Business or Residential Buildings |
Ricky Williams |
1/29/2018 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This legislation allows for businesses or residential building owners to apply to the county for permits to operate for no longer than three (3) hours per day, and requires those food services to comply with all catering rules. |
HB 0757 |
Neutral | Taxicab Regulations |
Alan Powell |
3/27/2018 |
Senate Tabled |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation clarifyies that if a city of county has a medallion system or “certificate of public necessity and convenience” in place, it is against the law for anyone to operate a taxicab without a medallion. Additonally, taxicab drivers would be required to display within full view of passengers an idientification card that included the name and photo of the operator and the name of company for whom the operator is driving. This bill also includes the prohibition of the governing authority of any county or city airport from imposing any age limit on vehicles for hire doing business at such airport that is less than eight years measured from the vehicle's year of manufacture, for any vehicle used as a ride share, taxicab, or limousine. Lastly, the bill defines "soft taximeters" and states that that no local government shall have the authority to reject or prohibit the use of soft taximeters. |
HB 0826 |
Neutral | Allows Alarm Companies to Contract for Alarm Verification Services |
Geoff Cauble |
2/23/2018 |
Senate Read and Referred |
Regulated Industries |
Public Safety |
- |
| This bill allows alarm companies to contract for verification services to provide a verification prior to law enforcement dispatch. |
HB 0833 |
Neutral | Professional Land Surveyors - Redefine |
Paulette Rakestraw |
2/26/2018 |
Senate Read and Referred |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation, mirroring SB 425, results from negotiations with ACCG and other stakeholders and changes several provisions relating to professional land surveyors. Surveyors’ training hours are increased, but they no longer have to take five semester hours of training in hydrology. Three semester hours of hydrology, and passage of a hydrology exam, are required if a surveyor seeks licensure to design storm water management plans, facilities, water distribution lines, or sanitary sewer collection systems. Lastly, officers and employees of local governments or authorities engaged in gathering, processing, managing and sharing of geospatial and photogrammetric data for cataloging or mapping purposes are not required to be licensed surveyors. |
HB 0859 |
Oppose | Cash Payments for Scrap Metal by Secondary Metal Recyclers |
Robert Gasaway |
2/12/2018 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This legislation amends the statute to allow for cash payments by secondary metal recyclers up to purchases of $200.00. Purchases over $200.00 must be paid by check or electronic transfer. |
HB 0915 |
Oppose | Bodywork Therapists - State Governance and Local Preemptions |
Lee Hawkins |
2/14/2018 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This legislation provides for the statewide definition, regulation and licensure of "bodywork therapists", entailing educational requirements, board governance, human trafficking notification, prohibitions on illicit/prurient practices, etc. on this therapy practice - much like what has been done for massage therapy. It then preempts local governments from several regulations they can place on bodywork therapists and establishments. It also prohibits local governments from collecting regulatory fees on, and licensing, bodywork therapists. Please review and let Todd Edwards (tedwards@accg.org) know of any concerns you have with these local preemptions. |
HB 0976 |
Neutral | State Gaming Commission |
Ron Stephens |
2/23/2018 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This bill would create the State Gaming Commission, which would be tasked with studying the feasibility of casino gambling and other gaming activities. |
HB 1020 |
Evaluating | Resort Casinos and Medicaid Expansion |
Robert Trammell |
3/5/2018 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This bill provides for casino gambling and the dedication of proceeds of licensing fees to casino regulation and the expansion of Medicaid and for the REACH Georgia Scholarship Program. The bill is enabled by and contingent upon the ratification in a statewide election of a constitutional amendment, HR 1399. |
HR 1398 |
Support | Short-Term Rentals - Study Committee |
Matt Dollar |
3/23/2018 |
House Passed/Adopted |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This bill would create a House Study Committee to consider the effects and proper regulation of short-term rentals, such as provided via services like AirBnB. |
HR 1399 |
Evaluating | Casino Gambling -Constitutional Authorization |
Robert Trammell |
3/5/2018 |
House Second Readers |
Regulated Industries |
- | - |
| This constitutional amendment, if ratified in a statewide election, will authorize casino gambling. Taxes, revenues (sic), fees, and assessments can only be imposed by the General Assembly and proceeds are used to fund casino regulation and the expansion of Medicaid and for the REACH Georgia Scholarship Program. This proposal is implemented by HB 1020. |
SB 0017 |
Support | Sunday Brunch Alcohol Sales |
Renee Unterman |
5/8/2018 |
Act 461 |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This bill authorizes cities and counties, in which the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises is already lawful on Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight, to allow said sale from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight if the county adopts an ordinance or resolution and the voters so approve via a referendum. Counties wishing to have this approved by the November 6, 2018 election should pass their ordinances by July 31st in order to provide their elections superintendents to prepare the proper materials ready and distributed to notify the public by August 4, 2018. |
SB 0085 |
Inactive | Breweries and Distilleries to Sell Directly to Public |
Rick Jeffares |
5/8/2017 |
Act 178 |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation authorizes brew pubs and breweries to sell up to 3,000 barrels of their malt beverage annually directly to the public either through consumption on the premises or allowing a patron to purchase and carry off up to 288 ounces (a case) of the beverage a day. The current requirement that tours be offered prior to malt beverage purchase is eliminated. The bill also authorizes a licensed distiller to sell up to 500 barrels of distilled spirits annually directly to the public for consumption on the premises or up to 2,250 milliliters, per person, per day, to be consumed off premises. The brewer or distiller will remit all state and local sales, use, and excise taxes to the proper tax collecting authority and sales are conditioned on and governed by local alcohol law. The Georgia Department of Revenue is to promulgate rules governing these processes. |
SB 0141 |
Support | Require Engineering Evaluation for All Carnival Ride Permits |
Bruce Thompson |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation requires the operators the first time they apply for a permit in Georgia to provide an engineering evaluation of carnival rides to the State Fire Marshal prior to the issuance of a permit. |
SB 0425 |
Neutral | Land Surveyors - Define Practice |
Steve Gooch |
5/7/2018 |
Act 417 |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation removes the requirement that land surveyors receive at least five hours of course study in hydrology. The bill raises the required semester hours of course study, or the equivalent, in surveying subjects approved by the board from 15 to 18 hours. Moreover, HB 833 grandfathers in those who have already received credit in hydrology coursework so that they may sit for the board approved examination for licensure. In addition, HB 833 adds surveyors to the list of professionals subject to a misdemeanor for practicing as a licensed surveyor if that person has not completed the licensing requirements. |