Open Records/Meetings Act (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0308 EvaluatingState government; public records shall not be held exclusively by private entity; provisions Jason Ridley
2/19/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
General County Government Open Records/Meetings Act Todd Edwards
HB 0784 NegotiatingOpen Meetings - Allow School Board Security Discussions in Executive Session Eddie Lumsden
1/28/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported Governmental Affairs --
2020/01/31 General County Government Open Records/Meetings Act Todd Edwards

This legislation allows local boards of education to discuss school safety plans in executive session (rather than require such discussions to take place in an open meeting).  

Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

Copyright @1996-2015 Association County Commissioners of Georgia