Animal Control (10)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0144 NegotiatingRetail Pet Stores - Preempt Local Ordinances Earl Ehrhart
3/30/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Agriculture & Consumer Affairs --
2017/01/27-Report 2017/02/03-Report Animal Control General County Government Preemption
Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation preempts counties and cities from adopting or enforcing ordinances that directly or indirectly prohibit the sale, delivery or transfer of a dog or cat from a properly licensed retail pet store or from imposing restrictions in addition to the requirements of state law. Many attempts were made to add this preemptive language to other bills late in the session.  All attempts failed. 
HB 0253 SupportDog and Cat License Plates Wendell Willard
3/27/2018 Senate Tabled Motor Vehicles Public Safety -
2017/03/24 - Report Agriculture Animal Control General County Government Health and Human Services
Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance Tags/Titles Todd Edwards
This legislation amends the special license plates to help fund dog and cat reproductive sterilization support.
HB 0288 NeutralService Animals - Rules for Accompaniment in Public Transport and Facilities Tom Kirby
2/10/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary Non-Civil --
Animal Control General County Government Health and Human Services Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation tightens the definition and permissible accompaniment (e.g. in public conveyances and public places) of service animals that are trained to assist, do work, or perform tasks for a physically or mentally impaired person.    
HB 0473 NeutralService Animal Accommodations Tom Kirby
2/14/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Health and Human Services --
2017/02/24 - Report 2018/02/16 Report Animal Control Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government
Health and Human Services Kathleen Bowen Transit
This legislation provides that physically and mentally impaired individuals must be provided full access to trains, buses, streetcars and other modes of public transportation, as well as to areas where the general public is invited. Individuals may be accompanied by service animals when the animal provides assistance with a major life functions, such as ambulating, seeing, hearing, learning, working and interacting with others.  Service animals that provide only emotional support, comfort or companionship are not required to be allowed.
HB 0529 EvaluatingAnimal Welfare - Illegal to Transport Critters in Back of Truck Karla Drenner
3/6/2017 House Second Readers Agriculture & Consumer Affairs --
Agriculture Animal Control Code Enforcement Criminal Procedure Farm
Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government Law Enforcement Preemption Public Safety and Courts
Todd Edwards Traffic Enforcement
This legislation prohibits carrying live animals in the backs of trucks on Interstates.  Certain farm-related purposes/animals are exempted.  The bill also preempts county and city ordinances, as well as caps fines associated with, the transportation of live animals in the back of vehicles on the interstate.
HB 0742 NeutralRabies Inoculation - Pets Exempt if Shot Compromises their Health Matt Gurtler
1/29/2018 House Second Readers Agriculture and Consumer Affairs --
2018/02/02 Report Animal Control General County Government Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This bill exempts pets from required rabies inoculation if a licensed veterinarian determines in writing that it would compromise an animal's health.  Said exemption remains in place until a licensed veterinarian determines the inoculation would not compromise the animal's health.   
HB 0956 NeutralFood Animal Cruelty - Must Consult with Category II Veterinarian before Filing Charges Clay Pirkle
7/1/2018 Effective Date Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Agriculture and Consumer Affairs -
Animal Control General County Government Health and Human Services Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
Among other provisions governing veterinarian practices, this bill requires local law enforcement officers to consult with a licensed and accredited Category II veterinarian employed by a state agency prior to filing animal cruelty charges regarding animal husbandry of food animals.  The veterinarian will confirm whether or not the conduct is in accordance with customary and standard practice.  "Food animal" means any animal that is raised for the production of an edible product intended for human consumption.  Additionally, the bill requires veterinarians to disclose the rabies vaccination history of any animal 24 hours of receipt of a written request by the physician of any person bitten by such animal.   
SB 0257 NeutralFood Animal Cruelty? Must Consult Dept. of Agriculture before Filing Charges Bill Heath
3/21/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Agriculture and Consumer Affairs -
2018/01/26 Report 2018/02/02 Report 2018/03/23 Report Agriculture Animal Control
Criminal Procedure General County Government Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation requires local law enforcement officers to consult with a Department of Agriculture Category II veterinarian before filing criminal charges related to animal cruelty/husbandry of "food animals" - to confirm whether or not such conduct is in accordance with customary and standard practice.  A food animal is one raised for the production of an edible product intended for consumption by humans.   
SB 0452 EvaluatingMandate for Law Enforcement to Notify Federal Authorities upon Arrest of Illegal Alien Jesse Stone
3/27/2018 House Postponed Public Safety and Homeland Security Judiciary -
2018/03/23 Report Animal Control Code Enforcement Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit
General County Government Immigration Magistrate Court Probate Court Public Safety and Courts
State Court Superior Court
This legislation requires that local law enforcement notify US Immigration and Customs Enforcement 72 hours prior to the release of any illegal immigrant from custody.
SR 1170 NeutralStudy Committee - Are Local Fees Going Toward Intended Purposes? Jack Hill
3/29/2018 Senate Read and Adopted ---
911 Alcohol/Tobacco Animal Control Broadband Business and Occupation Tax
Code Enforcement Econ. Dev. & Transportation EMS/Ambulance Fire Services Fireworks
Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons Franchise Fees General County Government Health and Human Services Impact Fees
Land Use/Zoning Nat. Res. & the Environment Open Records/Meetings Act Probate Court Public Safety and Courts
Revenue & Finance Roads Sewer/Septage Sheriff Solid Waste
State Court Superior Court Tax Commissioner Todd Edwards Traffic Enforcement
Water Quality
Following much discussion over the past several years regarding the redirection of state-collected fees from their intended purposes, this Senate study committee (consisting of 5 senators) will examine whether or not local government fees are fairly and equitably imposed and whether the monies collected from them are being appropriately used and directed for the purpose(s) for which they are intended.  Examples of fees cited by this resolution include: storm water management fees, fire service fees, and traffic add-on fees.            
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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