Agriculture (12)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0253 SupportDog and Cat License Plates Wendell Willard
3/27/2018 Senate Tabled Motor Vehicles Public Safety -
2017/03/24 - Report Agriculture Animal Control General County Government Health and Human Services
Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance Tags/Titles Todd Edwards
This legislation amends the special license plates to help fund dog and cat reproductive sterilization support.
HB 0465 NeutralIndustrial Hemp Commission John Pezold
2/24/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary Non-Civil --
Agriculture Econ. Dev. & Transportation Georgia Bureau of Investigation Health and Human Services Kathleen Bowen
Law Enforcement Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Sheriff
This legislation creates the Industrial Hemp Commission. This commission will oversee, regulate and promote the research and development of industrial hemp and hemp products in Georgia. 
HB 0529 EvaluatingAnimal Welfare - Illegal to Transport Critters in Back of Truck Karla Drenner
3/6/2017 House Second Readers Agriculture & Consumer Affairs --
Agriculture Animal Control Code Enforcement Criminal Procedure Farm
Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government Law Enforcement Preemption Public Safety and Courts
Todd Edwards Traffic Enforcement
This legislation prohibits carrying live animals in the backs of trucks on Interstates.  Certain farm-related purposes/animals are exempted.  The bill also preempts county and city ordinances, as well as caps fines associated with, the transportation of live animals in the back of vehicles on the interstate.
HB 0764 NeutralLawful Possession of Certain Quantities of Low THC Oil David Clark
3/1/2018 Senate Read and Referred Judiciary - Non-Civil Health and Human Services -
Agriculture Debra Nesbit General County Government Health and Human Services Nat. Res. & the Environment
Public Safety and Courts
HB 0850 NeutralSavannah State Farmers Market Authority; create Carl Gilliard
2/8/2018 House Second Readers Intragovernmental Coordination --
Agriculture Local Legislation
HB 0861 SupportTax Credits - Capital Investments in Rural Areas Craig Gordon
2/12/2018 House Second Readers Insurance --
Agriculture Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Insurance Insurance
Larry Ramsey Nat. Res. & the Environment
This bill would expand the availability of credits against corporate income taxes and certain state insurance taxes for businesses that make capital investments in small businesses in rural areas.
HB 0885 NeutralBurn Ban - Revisions for Agriculture Use Tom McCall
7/1/2018 Effective Date Natural Resources and Environment Natural Resources and the Environment -
2018/03/2 Report Agriculture Air Quality Farm Kathleen Bowen
Nat. Res. & the Environment Preemption Public Safety and Courts
This legislation allows for the burn ban to not apply to those who would like to burn vegetative material for ag purposes on land greater than 5 acres. 
HB 0942 NeutralSavannah State Farmers Market Authority Act; enact Carl Gilliard
5/8/2018 Veto V14 Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Agriculture Local Legislation
HR 1473 NeutralStudy Committee on Industrial Hemp Production Tom McCall
3/23/2018 House Passed/Adopted Agriculture and Consumer Affairs --
Agriculture General County Government Health and Human Services Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance
This resolution creates a study committee to explore whether the State of Georgia should consider the economic feasibility of developing industrial hemp (an agricultural commodity) and the potential economic benefit to rural parts of Georgia by undertaking industrial hemp production in this state.
SB 0257 NeutralFood Animal Cruelty? Must Consult Dept. of Agriculture before Filing Charges Bill Heath
3/21/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Agriculture and Consumer Affairs -
2018/01/26 Report 2018/02/02 Report 2018/03/23 Report Agriculture Animal Control
Criminal Procedure General County Government Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation requires local law enforcement officers to consult with a Department of Agriculture Category II veterinarian before filing criminal charges related to animal cruelty/husbandry of "food animals" - to confirm whether or not such conduct is in accordance with customary and standard practice.  A food animal is one raised for the production of an edible product intended for consumption by humans.   
SB 0418 OpposeNo Local Restriction on any Sale of Goods Regulated by Federal or State Agencies John Wilkinson
2/28/2018 Senate Lost -Agriculture and Consumer Affairs -
2018/02/16 Report 2018/02/23 Report Agriculture General County Government Health and Human Services
Land Use/Zoning Nat. Res. & the Environment Preemption Todd Edwards

This latest state preemption legislation, mirrored in HB 948, prohibits local governments from prohibiting or otherwise restricting the retail sale of any goods, products or items regulated by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the GA Dept. of Agriculture, so long as any said sales are in compliance with local zoning.  This effort to preempt local ordinances prohibiting a certain pet store chain has expanded greatly.   ACCG asks that you pay very close attention to this bill and provide Todd Edwards ( feedback on how this bill may impact any county ordinances regulating the retail sale of animals (pets or livestock), tobacco, alcohol, plants, etc.  

For a list of all goods, products and items regulated by these agencies (thus preempted by local government regulation) please click here.   

Please note that ACCG takes no position on the operation of certain pet store chains; however, ACCG opposes taking away a community's ability to regulate the broad swath of goods, products and items covered by the above three agencies.    


SB 0451 NeutralAgriculture Water Metering Larry Walker
5/8/2018 Act 483 Natural Resources and Environment Agriculture and Consumer Affairs -
Agriculture Farm Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quality
This legislation addresses agriculture irrigation that transfers the ag metering program from the Georgia Soil & Water Conservation Commission to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. The bill also includes provisions related to the installation and monitoring of irrigation meters.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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