Legislation Assigned to the Senate Science and Technology Committee (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0001 NeutralSpace Flight: Activities, Definitions & Liability Jason Spencer
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Science and Technology -
2017/03/17 - Report Code Enforcement General County Government Kathleen Bowen Land Use/Zoning
This legislation was introduced for Camden County who has an interest in creating a spaceport; however, the bill applies statewide by allowing the commercial space industry to operate in Georgia. More information on the Spaceport Camden project can be found here.
SB 0046 NeutralBreach of Restrictive Covenants - Statute of Limitation William Ligon
7/1/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Science and Technology -
Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance
The language of HB 205 (regarding restrictive covenants and transfer of control to homeowners/condominium owners associations) language has replaced the original SB 46.
SR 0410 NeutralSenate Information Technology Study Committee P.K. Martin
3/28/2017 Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute -Science and Technology -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development General County Government Larry Ramsey
This legislation creates the Senate Information Technology Corridors in Georgia Study Committee. The Committee would study the impediments and opportunities associated with the establishment of IT Corridors along major routes within the state.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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