Legislation Sponsored by Allen Peake (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0351 NeutralElections - Allow District Attorneys, Coroners and Constitutional Officers to Run Non-Partisan Allen Peake
2/16/2017 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Clerk of Court Coroners/Medical Examiners District Attorneys General County Government Public Safety and Courts
Sheriff Tax Commissioner Todd Edwards
This legislation would allow the General Assembly, through local legislation, to make elections for sheriffs, coroners, tax commissioners and superior court clerks nonpartisan.
HB 0944 SupportLocal Option Sales Tax - Option of a Second Penny in Certain Consolidated Governments Allen Peake
2/22/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported Ways and Means --
Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This bill is changing the qualifications for which consolidated governments can increase an existing LOST from 1% to 2% or levy a new LOST at 2%. In order to qualify, such consolidated governments must also have a homestead exemption that limits, to 2%, the amount of annual assessment increases that can be captured for taxation purposes.
HB 0945 NeutralMacon-Bibb County; ad valorem tax; provide homestead exemption Allen Peake
3/5/2018 House Third Reading Lost Intragovernmental Coordination --
Local Legislation Property Tax
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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