Legislation Sponsored by Blake Tillery (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

SB 0130 NeutralManadatory Documentation of Waiver of Right to Counsel Blake Tillery
3/28/2017 House Passed/Adopted By Substitute Judiciary Judiciary -
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Indigent Defense Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
This legislation requires that the waiver of the right to an attorney must be made made knowingly and voluntarily and must be reflected in the record.
SB 0132 SupportJudicial Council Shall Promulgate Case Disposition Forms for Superior and State Court Blake Tillery
1/1/2018 Effective Date Judiciary Judiciary -
Civil Procedure Clerk of Court Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts State Court
Superior Court
This legislation changes how forms are promulgated for state and superior court to provide a more accurate case count for the determination of the need for additional judgeships.
SB 0256 SupportState Properties Commission - Broadband Leases in Certain Counties Blake Tillery
2/27/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Regulated Industries and Utilities -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development General County Government Larry Ramsey Procurement
This legislation allows the State Properties Commission to enter into leases in Tier 1 (least developed) counties without seeking approval from the General Assembly. Broadband companies could obtain favorable lease terms from the State Properties Commission for purposes of expanding broadband services in those counties.
SB 0258 InactiveEligibility and Qualifications for Office; ineligibility for office for holders of public money of municipalities who refuse; pay over such funds to proper office; provide Blake Tillery
5/8/2017 Effective Date Governmental Affairs Rules -
Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance Todd Edwards
This legislation makes city officials that fail to pay over public money to the property office ineligible to hold public office. 
SB 0431 NeutralRecreational Property Owners Act - Effect of Charging Admission Fee Blake Tillery
3/7/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported Judiciary Judiciary -
2018/02/16 Report General County Government Government Immunity Larry Ramsey
This bill would remove the immunity normally afforded an owner who makes recreational property availabe to the public, if that owner charges anyone for admission. This bill seeks to overturn a recent court case holding that immunity applies if the injured person was not charged for admission, regardless of whether other persons were charged for admission.
SB 0440 NeutralCity of Soperton; certain tracts or parcels of land; annex; description of the council districts; change Blake Tillery
5/3/2018 Act 406 Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Annexation/Municipalization Local Legislation
SB 0453 SupportNew Cities - Require Minimum 3-mile Distance from Existing Municipality Blake Tillery
3/5/2018 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs State and Local Governmental Operations -
2018/02/23 Report 2018/03/2 Report Annexation/Municipalization General County Government Local Legislation
Todd Edwards
This bill prohibits a new city from being formed if any of its boundary is within 3 miles from a boundary of an existing city, unless those within the 3-mile buffer have been denied annexation into the existing city within the previous 12 months.     
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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