Legislation Sponsored by Calvin Smyre (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 1096 EvaluatingSPLOST - Use of Funds for Maintenance Calvin Smyre
3/5/2020 House Second Readers Ways and Means --
2020/03/06 Report Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This bill would allow up to 5% of SPLOST proceeds to be used for maintenance of capital projects. 
HB 1103 SupportRequires Department of Human Resource Notify Locals when a Personal Care Home or Child Caring Agency is Licensed to Operate Calvin Smyre
3/9/2020 House Second Readers Health and Human Services --
2020/03/06 Report Debra Nesbit Fire Services General County Government Health and Human Services
Land Use/Zoning Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
This legislation requires that the Commissioner of DHS notify the local law enforcement agency, fire department, licensing department, planning and zoning department of the county or municipality, as applicable in which such personal care home, child caring institution, or foster care home. 
HR 1301 NeutralGeneral Assembly; United States Corps of Engineers; perform additional environmental studies and evaluate the riverbanks of the Chattahoochee River above Columbus, Georgia; urge Calvin Smyre
3/2/2020 House Second Readers Natural Resources and Environment --
Local Legislation
HR 1388 NeutralAlbert W. Thompson Memorial Bridge; Muscogee County; dedicate Calvin Smyre
3/9/2020 House Second Readers Transportation --
Local Legislation
HR 1389 NeutralCongressman Jack T. Brinkley Memorial Interchange; Muscogee County; dedicate Calvin Smyre
3/9/2020 House Second Readers Transportation --
Local Legislation
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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