Legislation Sponsored by Chuck Payne (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

SB 0104 SupportSales Tax Exemptions - Extend Sunsets Chuck Payne
8/5/2020 Effective Date Judiciary Judiciary -
Larry Ramsey
This bill will extend the current sales tax exemptions for purchases by various nonprofit organizations: blood banks, organ procurement organizations, food purchases by food banks and disaster relief organizations, and health centers/clinics.
SB 0369 NeutralPublic Utilities - Electronic Submission of Property Tax Returns Chuck Payne
3/12/2020 House Second Readers Ways and Means Finance -
2020/02/28 Report 2020/03/06 Report 2020/06/19 Report Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance
 This bill would require that each utility's annaul submission of its tax return to the Dept. of Revenue of all property owned in the state by submitted electronically.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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