Legislation Sponsored by Dewayne Hill (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0274 NeutralCatoosa County; school district ad valorem tax; residents 65 years of age or older; provide homestead exemption Dewayne Hill
4/30/2019 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Intern 2 Local Legislation
HB 0317 SupportRemoval of Collection Receptacles - Jurisdiction Removed from Superior Court and Given to Magistrate and Municipal Courts Dewayne Hill
4/2/2019 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Judiciary --
2019/03/01 Report Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
This legislation transfers the jurisdiction of removal petition of collection receptacles from the superior court to magistrate or municipal court.
HB 0551 SupportProhibit Access to Kratom by Persons Under the Age 18 Dewayne Hill
4/26/2019 Effective Date Judiciary - Non-Civil Health and Human Services -
2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/15 Report 2019/03/29 Report Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
HB 551 regulates "kratom," a tropical evergreen known as mitragyna speciosa that contains the alkaloid mitragynine. It is a misdemeanor to transfer possession to those under the age of 18, or for those under 18-years old to possess or buy it. Moreover, to sell kratom, the packaging must: clearly label ingredients; provide notice that the sale or transfer of possession to those under the age of 18 is prohibited; state the amount of mitragynine in the product; state the name and principal mailing address of the manufacturer; provide clear directions for safe use of the product; and note any precautionary statements to the safety and effectiveness of the product. 
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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