Legislation Sponsored by Eddie Lumsden (4)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0042 InactiveElections - Superintendent Authorized to Correct Minor Ballot Mistake Eddie Lumsden
2/23/2017 Effective Date Governmental Affairs Ethics -
2017/01/13-Report 2017/02/17-Report Elections General County Government Todd Edwards

This legislation allows the election superintendent to correct mistakes or omissions in the printing of official ballots or the programming of the display of the official ballot on the DRE voting equipment for local government candidates.  Currently, said correction must be required by the superior court following an application by an elector.   

HB 0665 NeutralNotices for Abandoned Vessels Eddie Lumsden
3/9/2018 Senate Read Second Time Natural Resources and Environment Natural Resources and the Environment -
Kathleen Bowen Law Enforcement Nat. Res. & the Environment
If an abandoned vessel is determined to be stolen, the local law enforcemnt officers or agency should notify only the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. The bill removes the Georgia Crime Information Center from being an agency requiring such notification.
HB 0921 NeutralCave Spring, City of; levy an excise tax Eddie Lumsden
5/3/2018 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Economic Development Hotel Motel Tax Local Legislation Tourism
HB 0935 SupportSpecial Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) - Add Cloud-Based Software Services as a Permissible Expenditure Eddie Lumsden
2/20/2018 House Second Readers Ways and Means --
2018/02/16 Report Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This bill seeks to allow SPLOST proceeds to be used for payments to a provider of cloud based software or software as a service to administer a governmental function of a county or city by deeming either of such payments as 'capital outlay'.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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