SB 0059 |
Evaluating | All Parties Must Consent Prior to Interception of Electronic Communications |
Jeff Mullis |
2/6/2019 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Judiciary |
- |
| The legislation requires that all parties to an electronic communication give prior consent to interception of communication. |
SB 0077 |
Neutral | Military Monuments - Prohibit their Removal and Increase Penalties for Damaging, Removing |
Jeff Mullis |
4/26/2019 |
Effective Date |
Governmental Affairs |
Government Oversight |
- |
| This legislation makes it unlawful to mutilate, deface, defile or abuse any publicly owned monument, plaque, statue, marker, flag, banner, structure, name, display or memorial (which is meant to be permanently displayed and is dedicated to a historical entity or historically significant military, religious, civil, civil rights, political, social or cultural event) that is located, erected, constructed, created or maintained on real property owned by local governments or the state of Georgia. SB 77 maintains current law, prohibiting local governments from removing these monuments from public property; however, local governments may relocate a monument when it is necessary for the construction, expansion or alteration of edifices, buildings, roads, streets or other transportation infrastructure, so long as it is relocated to a site of similar prominence (excluding a museum, cemetery or mausoleum, unless the monument was originally placed at such a location). The bill also increases the penalties on those who damage, destroy or lose a monument (without replacing it). |
SB 0201 |
Negotiating | EMSC Transparency Bill - Requirement to Open Up EMS Zones Every Five Years |
Jeff Mullis |
2/27/2019 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Ethics |
- |
| This legislation sets forth requirements for lobbying disclosures when promoting or opposing any matter before one or more local coordinating entities. The bill also provides that no person may serve on the local coordinating entity in each health district for the EMSC program more than two years and may only serve as chairperson for one year. The proposed statute would set forth a new procedure whereby another health district would be the final arbitrator of appeals in any given health district. The proposal would also require that the local coordinating entity request new proposal from ambulance providers at least every five years. Additionally, there is new language that requires that each provider comply with safety standards established by the board which may be based on the national safety standards of the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services, and requires additional mandatory monthly reporting regarding calls and response times. |
SB 0216 |
Support | Ad Valorem Taxes - Allow Pre-Payment Agreements |
Jeff Mullis |
7/1/2019 |
Effective Date |
Ways and Means |
Finance |
- |
| This bill authorizes local governments to enter into voluntary agreements with taxpayers for the prepayment of taxes. Such agreements would require the consent of the tax commissioner or (for cities) other tax collecting official. This bill also authorizes tax commissioners to conduct tax sales either at their office or such other location as identified in the public notice. A copy of the notice shall also be posted at the courthouse. |
SB 0223 |
Evaluating | Controlled Substances; legislative findings; definitions; identification of a standard level of kratom alkoloids and establish recommended dosages; provide |
Jeff Mullis |
2/28/2019 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Health and Human Services |
- |
| |
SB 0240 |
Evaluating | Incorporation of Municipal Corporations; no municipal charter shall be enacted where a portion of the proposed corporate boundary was ever part of existing municipality; provide |
Jeff Mullis |
3/5/2020 |
Senate Read Second Time |
- | State and Local Governmental Operations |
- |
| |
SB 0244 |
Neutral | Dade County Water and Sewer Authority; composition; terms of office for members, and vacancies; provide |
Jeff Mullis |
5/6/2019 |
Effective Date |
Intragovernmental Coordination |
State and Local Governmental Operations |
- |
| |
SB 0266 |
Oppose | Prohibits Separate Fee for Fire Sprinkler Protection |
Jeff Mullis |
3/26/2019 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Government Oversight |
- |
| This legislation prohibits a public water system from charging a separate fee for water service for fire sprinkler protection systems. |
SB 0289 |
Neutral | Mobile Home Permitting and Taxation |
Jeff Mullis |
6/26/2020 |
House - House Passed/Adopted By Substitute |
Ways and Means |
Finance |
- |
| This bill would eliminate the requirement for mobile home owners to obtain a permit and display a decal on their mobile homes. As a result, county tax assessors would no longer be required to inspect mobile homes for such decals. Mobile homes would remain subject to all property taxes. The bill adds a requirement that no person or company could move/transport a mobile home if any property taxes are unpaid on that mobile home. |
SB 0344 |
Support | Allow Certain Criminal Proceedings to be Conducted by Video Conference |
Jeff Mullis |
6/24/2020 |
House - House Lost Reconsidered Bill/Resolution |
Judiciary - Non-Civil |
Judiciary |
- |
| This legislation allows for certain criminal proceedings to be conducted by video conference. Video conferencing systems must meet certain requirements and proceedings must be open to the public where the judge is presiding. This bill will greatly reduce the number of transports between state facilities and local courtrooms. |
SB 0375 |
Neutral | Penalties for For Selling Vapor Products to Person 21 & Under |
Jeff Mullis |
7/22/2020 |
Effective Date |
Ways and Means |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation prohibits anyone 21 or under years of age from purchasing vape products. The bill also makes it a criminal offense for any retailer to sell any vape or tobacco product to a person 21 or under. Additionally it sets a regulatory framework for vape shops and vape manufacturers. |
SB 0436 |
Neutral | Nonpartisan Elections - Remove Option for Courts, Schools and Consolidated Governments |
Jeff Mullis |
2/25/2020 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Ethics |
- |
| Current law authorizes, if passed by local act, the nonpartisan election of candidates to fill county judicial offices, local boards of education and offices of consolidated governments. This bill removes the option of having the offices filled via nonpartisan election. Current local acts authorizing nonpartisan elections remain in effect. This applies moving forward. |
SB 0441 |
Neutral | Income Tax Credits - Film and other Productions |
Jeff Mullis |
3/10/2020 |
Senate Read Second Time |
- | Finance |
- |
| This bil would expand the state income tax credit for filming and related productions, including lowering the expenditure threshold to qualify for the credit. |
SR 0263 |
Support | Creation of Senate Emergency Medical Services Study Committee |
Jeff Mullis |
3/4/2020 |
Senate Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute |
- | Rules |
- |
| |
SR 0264 |
Neutral | Creation of a Joint Emergency Medical Services Study Committee |
Jeff Mullis |
4/2/2019 |
House Withdrawn, Recommitted |
Special Rules |
Rules |
- |
| This legislation creates a joint house and senate study committee to review current procedures regarding EMS services and accreditation. The committee shall conclude by December 31, 2019 and make recommendations to the legislature. |