| This latest state preemption legislation, mirrored in HB 948, prohibits local governments from prohibiting or otherwise restricting the retail sale of any goods, products or items regulated by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the GA Dept. of Agriculture, so long as any said sales are in compliance with local zoning. This effort to preempt local ordinances prohibiting a certain pet store chain has expanded greatly. ACCG asks that you pay very close attention to this bill and provide Todd Edwards (tedwards@accg.org) feedback on how this bill may impact any county ordinances regulating the retail sale of animals (pets or livestock), tobacco, alcohol, plants, etc. For a list of all goods, products and items regulated by these agencies (thus preempted by local government regulation) please click here. Please note that ACCG takes no position on the operation of certain pet store chains; however, ACCG opposes taking away a community's ability to regulate the broad swath of goods, products and items covered by the above three agencies. |