Legislation Sponsored by Joshua McKoon (15)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

SB 0020 OpposeLimit SPLOST Referendums to only the General Election Joshua McKoon
1/23/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Ethics -
Alcohol/Tobacco Financing Form of Government General County Government Revenue & Finance
Sales Tax-Local Todd Edwards
This legislation would restrict counties and cities from asking the voters to approve a special purpose local option sales tax, general obligation debt, or any other question raising revenue only at the November election.
SB 0022 EvaluatingCampaign Contributions Cannot be made by Businesses Receiving More than $50,000 in Contracts Joshua McKoon
1/23/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Ethics -
Elections Ethics General County Government Procurement Todd Edwards
This bill prohibits any business whose contracts with local governments exceed $50,000 annually from contributing to any candidates for the office responsible for awarding said contracts.  Violating contracts can be voided within 90 days following the discovery of the violation.    
SB 0032 EvaluatingElections - Change Qualifying Dates for Nonpartisan Elections Joshua McKoon
1/23/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Ethics -
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation amends the dates for qualifications, as well as for advance and absentee voting.
SB 0054 NeutralAutonomous Vehicle Testing on Public Highways Joshua McKoon
1/25/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Transportation -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Kathleen Bowen Public Safety and Courts Traffic Enforcement Transportation
This legislation allows for the use of autonomous vehicles on public highways for testing purposes. 
SB 0057 SupportElections - State Reimburses Locals in Certain Circumstances Joshua McKoon
1/25/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Ethics -
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation allows county governments to be reimbursed by the state for the cost or a portion of the cost of special primaries and special elections (to vill a vacancy in public office) not held in conjunction with a general primary or general election.
SB 0058 WatchHotel-Motel Tax - Repeal $5 Per Room Charge for Transportation Purposes Joshua McKoon
1/25/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Finance -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Hotel Motel Tax Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance Transportation Funding
This bill repeals the $5.00 per night hotel motel fee added in 2015, the proceeds of which are intended to be used for transportation purposes.
SB 0213 NeutralBanking Improvement Zones - Location of Financial Institutions in Underserved Areas Joshua McKoon
2/21/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Banking and Financial Institutions -
2017/02/24 - Report Auditing/Budget General County Government Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance
Upon application by local governments to the state, this legislation would allow for the creation of banking improvement zones in areas that are underserved with finanical institutions. Within such zones, a local government would be authorized to designate a financial institution within a banking improvement zone as the depository for county funds at a rate below published certificate of deposit rates.
SB 0228 EvaluatingProhibits Improper Operation of Emergency or Law Enforcement Vehicles by Elected Officials Joshua McKoon
3/5/2018 House Second Readers Rules Public Safety -
Debra Nesbit EMS/Ambulance Fire Services Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
This legislation makes it criminal for employees operating emergency vehicles in a manner other than prescribed by law.
SB 0229 NeutralColumbus Consolidated Government Tax Commissioner; retain a specified percentage of school taxes; provide Joshua McKoon
3/28/2017 House Second Readers Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Local Legislation Property Tax Revenue & Finance Tax Commissioner
SB 0309 NeutralElections - Special Primaries Required for Special Elections Joshua McKoon
3/1/2018 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs Ethics -
2018/01/12 Report 2018/02/23 Report 2018/03/2 Report Elections General County Government
Todd Edwards

This legislation partly eliminates the need for the Governor to call a special election when there is a vacancy for a U.S. House, U.S. Senate and General Assembly office - the Governor will appoint a replacement if less than 12 months remain on the term.  The bill does call for a special primary to proceed a special election in an even-numbered year which does add a race to the ballot; however, it shouldn't entail additional costs to the county.  Savings should be incurred as special elections can no longer be held in odd-numbered years and are held in conjunction with primary elections.   

SB 0493 NeutralCity of Vista Grove; incorporate Joshua McKoon
3/23/2018 Senate Read and Referred -State and Local Governmental Operations -
Annexation/Municipalization Local Legislation
SB 0495 NeutralCity of Greenhaven; incorporation; provide Joshua McKoon
3/27/2018 Senate Read and Referred -State and Local Governmental Operations -
Annexation/Municipalization Local Legislation
SR 0034 EvaluatingCreation of State-wide Grand Juries Joshua McKoon
1/23/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit District Attorneys Ethics General County Government
Health and Human Services Procurement Public Safety and Courts

This legislation asks the voters to approve an amendment to the Georgia Constitution establishing statewide grand juries.  These grand juries would investigate public officials, government vendors and recipient of goods and services provided by the Department of Community Health.  

SR 0036 NeutralEthics Commission - Create Dedicated Funding Joshua McKoon
1/23/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Appropriations -
Ethics General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation asks the voters to approve that a fixed portion of the state's budget be devoted to funding the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission. 
SR 0587 EvaluatingEnglish is Georgia's Official Language Joshua McKoon
1/29/2018 Senate Read Second Time -Rules -
2018/01/26 Report Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
In making English Georgia's official language, this proposed Constitutional amendment, among other provisions, prohibits local governments from using any other language for any documents, regulations, orders, transactions, proceedings, meeting, programs or publications.  There are nine exceptions, particularly related to teaching English, public safety, crime victims and criminal defendants, and terms of art.  Any resident or anyone doing business in Georgia has standing to sue for injunctive relief for any violations of this provision.          
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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