Legislation Sponsored by Kasey Carpenter (6)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0271 NeutralFarm Wineries - Lift Restrictions on Tasting Rooms and Sales to the Public Kasey Carpenter
2/14/2019 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation removes several restrictions on farm wineries having tasting rooms and selling wine directly to the public.  Primarily, it allows the wineries to have more than one tasting room from which to sell their wine.   
HB 0523 OpposeShort-Term Rentals - Preemption of Local Regulations Kasey Carpenter
2/5/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Regulated Industries --
2019/03/01 Report 2020/02/07 General County Government Preemption Todd Edwards
This bill would prohibit local regulation of most aspects of short-term rentals of property of eight days or less. Local governments could not prohibit such rentals, impose occupancy limits, require registration of such properties, regulate rental frequency, or require licenses/permits for or inspections of such properties.  Please contact your House members immediately if you have any concerns with this bill.  To assist, you can find ACCG's HB 523 talking points here.   
HB 0832 NegotiatingParks & Rec Facilities: Heat Related Injuries Kasey Carpenter
1/30/2020 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2020/01/31 Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
This legislation would require local governments or authorities who operate parks and recreation facilities used by youth athletic organizations for football (age 18 and younger) to ensure that their parks and facilities are equipped with certain vessels for heat related injuries.

This legislation is in response to a 2019 House Study Committee on Heat-Related Injuries, Cardiac Injuries, and Other Sports-Related Injuries - report found here
HB 0836 NeutralAlcohol Licenses - DOR Can Issue Throughout the Year Kasey Carpenter
1/30/2020 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
2020/01/31 Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill provides that the State Revenue Commissioner will provide annual alcohol licenses at any point during the year.  Currently, licenses must be applied for by November 1 of each year, and the commissioner must issue licenses by January 1.  Furthermore, all licenses issued will be transmitted to the applicant electronically - unless the applicant requests that the license be mailed.         
HB 0922 NeutralWhitfield County Board of Education; revise and restate the law Kasey Carpenter
6/30/2020 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination --
Local Legislation
HB 1098 NeutralStreamlined State-wide Strategic Transportation Plan Kasey Carpenter
7/29/2020 Effective Date Transportation Transportation -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Kathleen Bowen Transportation
This legislation streamlines the strategic plans the Georgia Department of Transportation has to complete. There will now be one state-wide strategic plan complete as opposed to a separate one to meet a state government requirement and a separate one to meet a federal government requirement. Lastly, the bill extends until July 1, 2025 the use of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) used to adjust the excise tax on motor fuel.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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