Legislation Sponsored by Pedro Marin (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0177 OpposeMandate - Counties Must Provide Multi-Lingual Services Pedro Marin
2/1/2017 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2017/02/10 - Report General County Government Health and Human Services Immigration Mandate
Todd Edwards
This legislation requires counties and cities to provide equal access to public services to individuals with limited English proficiency, including providing in house staff interpreters, bilingual staff or interpreter programs if contact with individuals with limited English proficiency regularly occurs.  Documents must be translated into any language spoken by at least three percent of the population of the area served by the county. ACCG has no position on whether counties do this, but opposes having the state mandate it upon us.  
HB 0565 NeutralGwinnett County; reconstitute board of commissioners; provisions Pedro Marin
3/13/2017 House Second Readers Intragovernmental Coordination --
Form of Government General County Government Local Legislation
HB 0622 NeutralGwinnett County; Board of Education; change number of members Pedro Marin
3/28/2017 House Second Readers Intragovernmental Coordination --
Local Legislation
HB 0994 NeutralNorcross, City of; authorize mayor and council to conduct advisory referendums Pedro Marin
3/12/2018 Senate Read and Referred Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Elections Local Legislation
HR 0565 NeutralGwinnett County Board of Commissioners; take action to incorporate mass transit options; recommend Pedro Marin
3/14/2017 House Second Readers Transportation --
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Local Legislation Transit
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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