Legislation Sponsored by Scott Holcomb (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0272 NeutralChamblee, City of; ad valorem tax; certain residents under 65 years of age; increase homestead exemption amount Scott Holcomb
4/30/2019 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Intern 1 Local Legislation
HB 0273 NeutralChamblee, City of; ad valorem tax; residents 65 years of age or older or who are totally disabled; revise homestead exemption Scott Holcomb
4/30/2019 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Intern 1 Local Legislation
HB 0283 EvaluatingElections - Numerous Changes to Election Law Scott Holcomb
2/14/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2019/02/15 Report Elections General County Government Todd Edwards

Among many revisions to Georgia’s election law, this bill authorizes to register to vote at polling places during advance voting or on election day; requires the state to provide adequate funding for regular updates to voting equipment; adds a week to advance voting, statewide; prohibits any law which changes the duties of any elected office between the date of an election and the official taking office; and establishes the Georgia Voting Rights Commission.  The Commission will advise the state on Reapportionment; suggest improvements on voting systems; examine means to increase voter turnout; provide guidance to local elections superintendents; and advise the state on other elections enhancements, among other duties.  

HB 0403 EvaluatingProhibit Private Corporations from Operating Penal Institutions or Detention Facilities Scott Holcomb
2/22/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Correctional Institutions/Jail Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
HB 0433 NeutralElections - Comprehensive Voting Machine and Elections Revisions Scott Holcomb
2/25/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This comprehensive elections bill sets out the process by which to change Georgia's current voting equipment from DRE machines to hand-marked paper ballots.  Ballots would then be submitted to, and tabulated by, a hand-marked paper ballot optical scanner.  While the bill provides that the cost of the printing of paper ballots by county election superintendents must be reimbursed following the conclusion of each calendar year by the Secretary of State, the state does not have the best track record in keeping to these reimbursement responsibilities absent a constitutional amendment.  Each polling place would be provided one ballot marking device for those with disabilities.  It also encompasses many changes to the state's elections process.  While ACCG commends all efforts to replace Georgia's antiquated voting equipment with a uniform voting system,  state funding of this equipment and meaningful changes to our elections laws, our Policy Council has supported HB 316 whereby the state purchases, and provides to counties, ballot marking devices which produce paper ballots.     
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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