Legislation Assigned to the House EU&T Committee (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0022 MonitorState do-not-call list; ADAD equipment; solicitation of votes; provisions Keown,Mike 173rd
2/1/2007 House Second Readers EU&T --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts
09. Magistrate Courts
HB 0460 MonitorGeorgia Public Service Commission; certain violations; increase fines Rogers,Carl 26th
2/20/2007 House Second Readers EU&T --
06. State Courts Civil
HB 1017 MonitorTelephone solicitation; diminished mental capacity persons; provisions Lunsford,John 110th
1/30/2008 House Second Readers EU&T --
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.