Legislation Assigned to the House Governmental Affairs Committee (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0187 MonitorLocal government; provide compilation of all local ordinances; require authorities Marvin Lim
2/1/2021 House - House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
12. All Courts Local
HB 0465 MonitorLocal government; imposing civil penalties upon an alarm systems contractor for a false alarm that occurs through no fault of alarm systems contractor; prohibit Joseph Gullett
5/3/2021 Effective Date 2021-05-03 Governmental Affairs Government Oversight -
12. All Courts Civil
HB 0579 MonitorPublic Safety and Judicial Facilities Act; enact Mary Oliver
5/10/2021 Effective Date 2021-07-01 Governmental Affairs Public Safety -
12. All Courts Court Administration
SB 0095 MonitorState Government; conditions for meetings and public hearings to be held by teleconference in emergency conditions; provide Frank Ginn
3/29/2021 House - House Passed/Adopted Reconsidered Bill/Resolution By Substitute Governmental Affairs Government Oversight -
Court Technology
SB 0227 MonitorEminent Domain; alternative process for a county, municipality, or consolidated government to condemn certain blighted properties; provide Harold Jones
3/17/2022 House - House Second Readers Governmental Affairs Judiciary -
12. All Courts Civil
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.