Legislation Assigned to the Senate PUB SAF Committee (20)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0254 MonitorLimited driving permits; certain offenders; allow issuance Roberts,Jay 154th
1/14/2008 Senate Recommitted MotV PUB SAF -
06. State Courts 10. Municipal Courts Traffic Law
HB 0333 PassedWeapons; crime or delinquent act; provisions Starr,Wade 78th
5/12/2008 House Date Signed by Governor JudyNC PUB SAF -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 07. Juvenile Courts 08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts
10. Municipal Courts 14. All Court Clerks Criminal
HB 0978 PassedTraffic accidents; illegal immigrants; seize vehicle; allow law enforcement Mills,James 25th
5/14/2008 House Date Signed by Governor SRules PUB SAF -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts
13. Superior Court Clerks Traffic Law
Vetoed 05/14/2008
HB 0983 PassedOut-of-state law enforcement officers; arrest certain offenders; provide Collins,Doug 27th
5/6/2008 House Date Signed by Governor JudyNC PUB SAF -
12. All Courts
HB 1027 PassedDefensive driving courses; alcohol or drug programs; curriculum; provisions Rice,Tom 51st
5/14/2008 House Date Signed by Governor MotV PUB SAF -
06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts Traffic Law
Vetoed 05/14/2008
HB 1037 MonitorDriver education purposes; traffic law violations; additional penalty; extend expiration date Parsons,Don 42nd
3/28/2008 Senate Read Second Time MotV PUB SAF -
06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 10. Municipal Courts
HB 1111 PassedDrivers' licenses; requirements; fees; provisions Floyd,Johnny 147th
5/6/2008 House Date Signed by Governor MotV PUB SAF -
06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 10. Municipal Courts Civil Traffic Law
SB 0025 MonitorLicense Plates; driver's license; issuance; payment/disposition of fees; proof of citizenship Douglas,John 17th
2/13/2008 Senate Committee Favorably Reported -PUB SAF -
06. State Courts 10. Municipal Courts
SB 0315 MonitorDriver's Licenses; abolish Ga. Driver's Education Commission; transfer purposes/duties to State Board of Education Smith,Preston 52nd
2/8/2008 House Second Readers MotV PUB SAF -
06. State Courts 10. Municipal Courts Traffic Law
SB 0335 MonitorState Agencies; designate English as official language; prohibit requiring employees to speak/learn any other languages for employment (PF) Douglas,John 17th
3/11/2008 Senate Third Read -PUB SAF -
12. All Courts
SB 0349 MonitorPenal Institutions; transmittal of information on convicted person/place of detention Wiles,John 37th
2/28/2008 Senate Read Second Time -PUB SAF -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 09. Magistrate Courts
SB 0350 PassedDrivers' Licenses; requirement; driving while license suspended/revoked; change certain provision Wiles,John 37th
5/14/2008 Senate Date Signed by Governor JudyNC PUB SAF -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts Criminal
Traffic Law
SB 0356 MonitorFines and Forfeitures; county treasuries; provide for payment of certain moneys arising from traffic fines; motorcycle enforcement program Henson,Steve 41st
2/5/2008 Senate Read Second Time -PUB SAF -
06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts Fees, Fines and Forfeitures
Traffic Law
SB 0394 MonitorTraffic-Control Signal Monitoring Devices; send portion of funds generated to trauma care network Unterman,Renee 45th
2/27/2008 Senate Committee Unfavorably Reported -PUB SAF -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts
SB 0409 MonitorMotorcycles; requiring operators/riders to use protective headgear; exempt certain persons from provisions Thomas,Regina 2nd
2/6/2008 Senate Read and Referred -PUB SAF -
10. Municipal Courts
SB 0412 MonitorMotor Vehicles; change nomenclature from "air bag" to "life bag" and "safety belt" to "life belt" Jones,Emanuel 10th
3/12/2008 House Second Readers MotV PUB SAF -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts
SB 0488 PassedDrivers' Licenses; allow foreign nationals to keep license from their home country; exempt nonresidents; meet all licensing requirements in Georgia Rogers,Chip 21st
1/1/2009 Senate Committee Favorably Reported MotV PUB SAF -
10. Municipal Courts Traffic Law
SB 0510 MonitorSpeed Detection Devices; allow use in school zones only; definitions; operating requirements; provide for enforcement Tate,Horacena 38th
2/26/2008 Senate Read and Referred -PUB SAF -
06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 10. Municipal Courts
SR 0809 MonitorCongress, Governmental Agencies, Automobile Industry; urged to substitute the term "life belt" to "seat belt" and "life bag" to "air bag" Jones,Emanuel 10th
3/11/2008 Senate Third Read Lost -PUB SAF -
10. Municipal Courts
SR 1147 PassedFleeing and Law Enforcement Pursuits; create Senate Study Committee Douglas,John 17th
4/2/2008 Senate Passed/Adopted -PUB SAF -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.