Legislation Sponsored by Chuck Efstration (16)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0021 MonitorGwinnett Judicial Circuit; additional judge of the superior court; provide Chuck Efstration
4/2/2019 Effective Date Judiciary Judiciary -
HB 0070 MonitorGuardian and ward; guardian and conservators of minors and adults; revise provisions Chuck Efstration
1/1/2020 Effective Date Juvenile Justice Judiciary -
08. Probate Courts Civil
HB 0234 MonitorAnti-Human Trafficking Protective Response Act; enact Chuck Efstration
3/5/2019 Senate Read and Referred Juvenile Justice Judiciary -
12. All Courts Domestic Relations
HB 0239 MonitorGeorgia Business Court; establish Chuck Efstration
5/7/2019 Effective Date Judiciary Judiciary -
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts Civil
HB 0381 HotChild support; defined terms and terminology, grammar, and punctuation; revise and correct Chuck Efstration
7/1/2019 Effective Date Judiciary Judiciary -
05. Superior Courts Civil Domestic Relations
HB 0426 MonitorCriminal procedure; imposition of punishment for crimes involving bias or prejudice; revise criteria Chuck Efstration
7/1/2020 Effective Date Judiciary - Non-Civil Judiciary -
12. All Courts Criminal Sentencing
HB 0543 MonitorDomestic relations; equitable caregivers; provide Chuck Efstration
7/1/2019 Effective Date Judiciary Judiciary -
05. Superior Courts 07. Juvenile Courts Domestic Relations
HB 0544 MonitorMental health; procedures regarding emergency involuntary treatment; revise Chuck Efstration
3/10/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Judiciary --
05. Superior Courts 08. Probate Courts Civil
HB 0663 MonitorGeorgia Judicial Retirement System; membership for certain persons employed in certain full time positions requiring admission to the State Bar of Georgia as a condition of employment; require Chuck Efstration
7/1/2020 Effective Date Retirement Retirement -
04. State-Wide Business Court Retirement & Compensation
HB 0935 MonitorGwinnett County; Recorder's Court; provide for senior judges Chuck Efstration
8/5/2020 Veto V1 Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
HB 0941 MonitorAttorney General; investigate and prosecute certain crimes and offenses; provide for the authority Chuck Efstration
2/28/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Judiciary - Non-Civil --
HB 0955 MonitorCrimes and offenses; simple battery against a person 65 years of age or older; repeal enhanced penalties Chuck Efstration
3/12/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Governmental Affairs --
Criminal Sentencing
HB 0968 MonitorCivil practice; clarify actions that may be brought pursuant to Code Section 9-3-51 regarding deficiencies in connection with improvements to realty Chuck Efstration
3/3/2020 Senate Read and Referred Judiciary Judiciary -
12. All Courts Civil
HB 0969 MonitorHousing; certain provisions pertaining to unlawful practices in selling or renting dwellings and the procedures, remedies, and judicial review related thereto; change Chuck Efstration
1/1/2021 Effective Date Judiciary Judiciary -
HB 1068 MonitorDomestic relations; equitable caregivers; provide Chuck Efstration
3/12/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported Juvenile Justice --
Domestic Relations
HB 1121 MonitorTorts; right of action for sexual harassment against a co-worker, supervisor, or employer; provide Chuck Efstration
3/12/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Special Committee on Access to the Civil Justice System --
12. All Courts Civil Tort
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.