Legislation Sponsored by Loudermilk,Barry 14th (4)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0077 PassedMotor vehicles; traffic-control signal monitoring devices; repeal provisions Loudermilk,Barry 14th
5/14/2008 House Date Signed by Governor MotV PS&HS -
06. State Courts 10. Municipal Courts Traffic Law
HB 0153 PassedJuveniles; Division of Family and Children Services; provide certain requirements Loudermilk,Barry 14th
5/29/2007 House Date Signed by Governor Judy JUDY -
05. Superior Courts 07. Juvenile Courts
HB 0590 MonitorTraffic-control signal monitoring devices; violations; lower penalty Loudermilk,Barry 14th
3/1/2007 House Second Readers Trans --
06. State Courts 10. Municipal Courts Traffic Law
HB 0890 MonitorTraffic-control devices; running red light; reduce civil penalty Loudermilk,Barry 14th
1/14/2008 House Second Readers JudyNC --
06. State Courts 10. Municipal Courts Traffic Law
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.