Legislation Sponsored by Steve Gooch (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

SB 0155 MonitorSafety Belts; failure to wear a safety belt or safety restraints for children as admissible evidence in civil actions; provide Steve Gooch
2/16/2021 Senate - Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
12. All Courts Civil
SB 0165 MonitorMotor Vehicles; autonomous vehicles from certain vehicle equipment requirements; exempt Steve Gooch
5/4/2021 Effective Date 2021-07-01 Motor Vehicles Transportation -
06. State Courts 08. Probate Courts 10. Municipal Courts Traffic Law
SB 0174 MonitorBonds and Recognizances; appointed judges who are fulfilling a vacancy of an elected judge to issue an unsecured judicial release under certain circumstances; authorize Steve Gooch
5/4/2021 Effective Date 2021-05-04 Judiciary - Non-Civil Public Safety -
05. Superior Courts 09. Magistrate Courts 10. Municipal Courts Criminal
SB 0203 MonitorMotor Vehicles; use of mounts on windshields for support of wireless telecommunications devices and stand-alone electronic devices; allow Steve Gooch
3/9/2022 Senate - Senate Lost -Transportation -
12. All Courts Traffic Law
SR 0100 MonitorState-Wide Grand Juries; jurisdiction, powers, and duties; provide -CA Steve Gooch
1/10/2022 Senate - Senate Recommitted -Ethics -
12. All Courts Criminal
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.