Legislation Sponsored by Environmental Matters (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0095 No PositionEnvironment - Permits - New Source Performance Standards Environmental Matters
4/6/2013 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 608 ENV EHE -
09 - Environment - Alex
HB 0097 No PositionEnvironment - Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Plans - Authority Environmental Matters
4/9/2013 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 81 ENV EHE -
09 - Environment - Alex
HB 0613 SupportSustainable Communities - Designation and Financing Environmental Matters
4/2/2013 Senate - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 624 ENV BT -
02 - Finance - Kevin Drew
Written Testimony on 4/2/2013
HB 0706 Support W/ANatural Resources - Forest Preservation Act of 2013 Environmental Matters
5/2/2013 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 384 ENV EHE -
09 - Environment - Alex
Written Testimony on 4/2/2013
HB 1440 No PositionRecycling - Composting Facilities Environmental Matters
4/6/2013 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 686 RUL EHE -
09 - Environment - Alex
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.