Legislation Sponsored by Jacobs (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0241 No PositionCommercial Fishing and Seafood Operations - Nuisance Actions - Exemption Jacobs
2/28/2013 Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings ENV JPR -
10 - Government Liability and the Courts - Michael
HB 1243 No PositionEnvironment - Water Pollution Control - Penalties Jacobs
3/19/2013 House - Unfavorable Report by Environmental Matters ENV --
09 - Environment - Alex
SB 0213 No PositionEmergency Medical Services - Automated External Defibrillators - Immunity from Liability Jacobs
3/13/2013 Senate - Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. -JPR -
10 - Government Liability and the Courts - Michael
SB 0241 No PositionAdministrative Procedure Act - Proposed Regulations - Public Hearings and Voting Jacobs
2/25/2013 Senate - Unfavorable Report by Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs -EHE -
14 - Intergovernmental Relations - Kevin Drew
SB 0367 No PositionElection Law - Petitions - Confidentiality Jacobs
2/28/2013 Senate - Unfavorable Report by Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs -EHE -
06 - Elections - Kevin Drew
SB 0533 No PositionHandguns - School Employees - Handgun Permits and Carrying Weapons on School Property Jacobs
3/6/2013 Senate - Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. -JPR -
03 - Education - Drew Alex
SB 0661 No PositionPrivileged Communications - Critical Incident Stress Management and Peer Support Jacobs
3/18/2013 Senate - Unfavorable Report by Judicial Proceedings Withdrawn -JPR -
19 - Public Safety and Corrections - Michael
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.