Legislation Sponsored by Samuel Rosenberg (9)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 0034 No PositionState Department of Education and Maryland Department of Health - Maryland School-Based Health Center Standards - Telehealth Samuel Rosenberg
5/18/2021 House - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 347 HGO --
13 - Information Technology - Drew Drew
HB 0057 No PositionVoters' Rights Protection Act of 2020 Samuel Rosenberg
12/22/2020 House - Hearing 1/26 at 1:30 p.m. WM --
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
HB 0369 No PositionElection Law – Foreign Manufacture of Election Systems – Notification and Termination of Contract Samuel Rosenberg
4/12/2021 Senate - Third Readings Passed with Amendments (46-0) WM --
06 - Elections - Kevin Kevin
HB 0421 No PositionTax Clinics for Low-Income Marylanders Samuel Rosenberg
5/30/2021 House - Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 678 WM BT -
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Kevin
HB 0500 No PositionPolice Procedures - Requiring a Person to Lie Prone Samuel Rosenberg
1/19/2021 House - Hearing 2/12 at 1:30 p.m. JUD --
19 - Public Safety and Corrections - Michael Michael
HB 1011 SupportCigarettes, Other Tobacco Products, and Electronic Smoking Devices - Local Law Authorization Samuel Rosenberg
2/9/2021 House - Hearing 2/24 at 1:30 p.m. ECM --
11 - Health and Human Services - Michael Michael
Written Testimony on 2/24/2021
HB 1043 Support W/ALocal Health Services – Funding and Infrastructure Samuel Rosenberg
2/25/2021 House - Hearing 3/16 at 1:30 p.m. APP --
11 - Health and Human Services - Michael Michael
Written Testimony on 3/16/2021
HB 1050 OpposeTax Sales – Notices Samuel Rosenberg
2/10/2021 House - Hearing 2/23 at 1:30 p.m. WM --
01 - Taxes and Revenues - Kevin Kevin
Written Testimony on 2/23/2021
HB 1263 No Position/LOIMaryland Department of Health – COVID–19 Vaccination Plan Samuel Rosenberg
2/11/2021 House - Hearing 2/23 at 1:30 p.m. HGO --
11 - Health and Human Services - Michael Michael
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.