Legislation with Tracking Level = Watch (112)
Use the drop down to the left to select the next 25 bills to display.

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0010 WatchSupport for Students Living in Poverty Act; enact Sandra Scott
2/9/2021 House - House Second Readers Education --
Funding QBE Student Achievement
HB 0023 WatchLocal government; allow affected local schools systems to participate in the annexation dispute resolution process Mary Oliver
1/14/2021 House - House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Funding Local Board Governance Taxation
HB 0064 WatchElections; manner of handling the death of a candidate prior to a nonpartisan election; provide Houston Gaines
1/14/2021 House - House Second Readers Special Committee on Election Integrity --
Elections and Appointments
HB 0065 WatchElections; date of nonpartisan general elections for certain offices; change Houston Gaines
1/14/2021 House - House Second Readers Special Committee on Election Integrity --
Elections and Appointments
HB 0066 WatchLocal government; local school systems, counties and municipal governing authorities can become parties to bond validation hearings; provide Mary Oliver
1/14/2021 House - House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Local Board Governance
HB 0071 WatchQuality Basic Education Act; pilot program to implement the student based funding recommendations of the 2015 Education Reform Commission; provide Donna McLeod
1/26/2021 House - House Second Readers Education --
Funding QBE Student Achievement
HB 0075 WatchAd valorem tax; advertising and notice requirements pertaining to millage rate adoption; change Matthew Gambill
1/26/2021 House - House Second Readers Ways and Means --
Local Board Governance Taxation Taxation - Ad Valorem
HB 0087 WatchEducation; HOPE grant eligibility for students seeking an associate degree; provisions Stacey Evans
1/27/2021 House - House Second Readers Higher Education --
Funding Student Achievement
HB 0088 WatchEducation; HOPE grants shall equal the student's undergraduate tuition amount for the current academic standard year; provide Stacey Evans
1/27/2021 House - House Second Readers Higher Education --
HB 0089 WatchEducation; eligibility as a Zell Miller Scholarship Scholar for students who do not qualify as freshmen; provide Stacey Evans
1/27/2021 House - House Second Readers Higher Education --
HB 0109 WatchChild Victim Protection Act of 2021; enact Heath Clark
3/9/2021 Senate - Senate Read and Referred Judiciary Judiciary -
HB 0113 WatchElections; same day registration and voting; provide Kimberly Alexander
1/28/2021 House - House Second Readers Special Committee on Election Integrity --
Elections and Appointments
HB 0118 WatchFunding Adequate Instruction in Rural (FAIR) Georgia Grants Act; enact Rhonda Burnough
1/28/2021 House - House Second Readers Education --
HB 0120 WatchGeorgia Resident In-State Tuition Act; enact Kasey Carpenter
3/31/2021 House - House Withdrawn, Recommitted Higher Education --
Student Achievement
HB 0142 WatchIncome tax; qualified education tax credits to be used by certain insurance companies against certain tax liability; provide Kasey Carpenter
1/29/2021 House - House Second Readers Ways and Means --
HB 0151 WatchAd valorem tax; public property owned by a political subdivision outside of its territorial limits; terminate exemption Rhonda Burnough
1/29/2021 House - House Second Readers Ways and Means --
HB 0155 WatchEducation; raise age of mandatory education for children from 16 to 17 Erica Thomas
1/29/2021 House - House Second Readers Education --
HB 0167 WatchState government; open and public meetings and inspection of public records; revise certain laws Viola Davis
2/1/2021 House - House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
HB 0180 WatchState government; maintain databases of sources of funding available to members of the public; require Marvin Lim
2/1/2021 House - House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
HB 0188 WatchState government; competitive bidding evaluation factors; provide for training Marvin Lim
2/1/2021 House - House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
HB 0195 WatchQuality Basic Education Act; course of study in sex education and HIV/AIDS prevention instruction is medically accurate; require Jasmine Clark
2/2/2021 House - House Second Readers Education --
HB 0199 WatchMotor vehicles; local governing body to apply for a permit to operate a traffic enforcement safety device which enforces the speed limit in a school zone by recorded image; authorize Michael Wilensky
2/2/2021 House - House Second Readers Motor Vehicles --
HB 0201 WatchUnlocking the Promise Whole Child Model Schools Act; enact Stacey Evans
2/2/2021 House - House Second Readers Education --
HB 0202 WatchGeorgia Driver's Education Commission; violation of traffic laws or ordinance under Joshua's Law; increase additional penalty Bill Hitchens
4/1/2022 Senate - Senate Tabled Motor Vehicles Public Safety -
HB 0221 WatchLocal government; zoning procedures; provide for local boards of education to appoint members to local planning commissions Tommy Benton
2/3/2021 House - House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.