Telecommunications (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0100 SupportAuthorization for EMCs to Provide Broadband Services Don Parsons
2/6/2019 House Second Readers Economic Development and Tourism --
Telecommunications Todd Edwards Utilities
This legislation, similar to HB 23 and SB 2, authorizes Georgia's EMCs to provide broadband service.   
HB 0244 SupportEMCs - Public Service Commission to Determine Pole Attachment Fees Ron Stephens
1/1/2021 Effective Date Economic Development and Tourism Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/02/15 Report 2020/02/07 2020/03/13 Report 2020/06/19 Report General County Government
Telecommunications Todd Edwards

This legislation alters the process by which Georgia’s Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs) determine the fees charged to communications service providers which place telecommunications equipment on EMC utility poles.  The fee/rate will be determined by the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) after the PSC considers what is just, reasonable, nondiscriminatory and commercially reasonable.  The PSC will promulgate, by January 1, 2021, the rules explaining how the above factors will be determined.  Current PSC charges will remain in effect until the date of their natural or lawful determination.           

HB 0556 EvaluatingPublic utilities and public transportation; limitations on fees that may be charged for installation of telephone facilities; provide Lee Hawkins
3/4/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications --
General County Government Telecommunications Todd Edwards
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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