Land Conservation (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0332 SupportGeorgia Outdoor Stewardship Act Sam Watson
7/1/2019 Effective Date Natural Resources & Environment Appropriations -
2017/02/17-Report 2018/02/23 Report 2018/03/2 Report 2018/03/23 Report 2018/03/30 Report
Kathleen Bowen Land Conservation Nat. Res. & the Environment Revenue & Finance

This bill creates the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship program. The intent of this legislation is to provide dedicated funding for state parks and state wildlife management areas as well as support to local parks and trails. Forty percent of the proceeds of all state sales tax from outdoor recreation items would be appropriated for the protection and preservation of conservation land. The General Assembly has the ability to increase this amount up to the 80%. 

Counties would be eligible to apply for grants and loans from this newly created trust fund. A Board of Trustees of the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund is created to oversee the grant/loan applications. The composition of the board could include representatives from local government.

In addition, each county in which is located 20,000 acres or more of unimproved real property belonging to the state and under the custody or control of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GA DNR), in which such state-owned property exceeds 10 percent of the taxable real property in the county, and in which such property represents 10 percent or more of the assessed tax digest of the county may receive from the GA DNR an annual grant. Only land acquired with Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund money would be used in the calculation of this grant. 

The bill is contingent upon a proposed constitutional amendment, found in HR 238, which would be placed on the ballot for the November, 2018 state-wide general election.

Additional Information: 

HR 0238 SupportGeorgia Outdoor Stewardship Act - Constitutional Amendment Sam Watson
5/7/2018 Effective Date Ways and Means Appropriations -
2017/02/17-Report 2018/02/09 Report 2018/02/16 Report 2018/03/2 Report 2018/03/23 Report
Kathleen Bowen Land Conservation Nat. Res. & the Environment Revenue & Finance
This proposed constitutional amendment, if ratified in the November, 2018, state-wide election, allows the General Assembly to dedicate funds towards the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund for the purpose of protecting and preserving conservation land. If this enabling amendment is ratified, it will be implemented by HB 332.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

Copyright @1996-2015 Association County Commissioners of Georgia